"Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival" unites well-known music names with tourism. Free entry

The anniversary of the League of Prizren will be completely different this year. On June 10-11, for two consecutive evenings, the "Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival" will start, where rock & blues music, young people and the history of music come together.
The event, which will be a manifestation of the best Albanian rockers over the years, but also the stars of today and the talents of the future, is realized under the special care of the Mayor of the Municipality of Prizren, Shaqir Totaj, and is implemented by the Melodia e Rock and Blues in Tourism association. with
the main partner the Municipality of Prizren and the Union of Albanian Municipalities in the Region. The organizers have decided that the entrance will be free.
Blues Beatles, Playa Band, Samuli Federley, Leb i Sol, 3 Musketeers, "Minatori", Jericho, Eugent Bushpepa and Menan Kiseri are the Albanian artists and groups that will light up the stage in these two magical nights.
A surprise to discover are the loudest foreign groups that for the public will be an unforgettable experience to turn it into a tradition and aiming to develop the activity with the creation of the Rock&Blues Academy, and the first Rock&Blues Museum for the Albanian-speaking cities of the Balkans Western.
Ky festival është frymëzuar nga fillimet e muzikës rock dhe blues në Kosovë duke ruajtur elementet e përbashkëta të muzikës popullore, historisë, ndjenjës sublime të dashurisë dhe revoltës. Marrë shkasë nga “Këngët e Milosaos” të De Radës, ku përveç dashurisë romantike, një rol të rëndësishëm ka edhe dashurinë sublime për atdheun dhe prosperitetin e tij, ashtu edhe ky festival, përveç muzikës, përdor forcën e tingujve të Rock & Roll dhe Bluez me qëllim promovimin nëpërmjet muzikës dhe artit e të rinjve, potencialin turistik që Prizreni ofron. Vizioni që “Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival” do të sjellë shkon përtej. Në këtë fushë do të krijohet dhe Muzeu i parë në rajon i cili do të shpërbeje edhe si një Akademi për krijimin dhe realizimin e tour-guides të para ne qytet.
This project, beyond an ordinary festival comes innovative aiming to create opportunities for young people passionate about music in the Western Balkans, unfolding the golden history of generations of our artists and the activity as a whole by combining it with the geographical position, where surrounded between mountains in the form of Prizren's crown, as the best promotion of Prizren beyond history in offering a rich package of regional tourism.
There is still a little time left to experience an unforgettable experience that will remain in the minds of the public for a long time full of excitement in Prizren, which will return to the epicenter that breathes ROCK as the city of connection that unites us all.