
Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction site: work begins on the biggest stage in Albania

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

"Skënderbej" square has taken on the appearance of a large construction site: the stage for the Enrique Iglesias concert has started to be built and it will be the biggest stage that has been erected in Albania so far. The singer's staff has already arrived to start work at a fast pace for the June 30 concert, while 19 trucks have arrived from Turkey, Italy, and the Netherlands.

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

Backstage Global dhe Live janë organizatorët e eventit të madh në bashkepunim me Bashkinë e Tiranës si dhe me mbështetjen e Ministrisë së Kulturës, që e ka futur këtë koncert në listën e eventeve të “Javës Ndërkombëtare të Kulturës Spanjolle”. Artisti spanjoll do të këndojë LIVE hitet e tij në një koncert madhështor për gjithë adhuruesit e ritmeve latine dhe do të shoqërohet nga banda e tij dhe grupi i baletit, duke premtuar një natë super të zjarrtë. Shitja e biletave vijon në www.backstage.al dhe në sportelin e Teatrit të Operës dhe Baletit.

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

Enrique Inglesias is one of the biggest Spanish artists, who became known worldwide in the early 90s and then his international career expanded around the globe with songs like "Bailamos", "Rhythm Divine", the duet with Whitney Houston "Could I have this kiss forever", to continue with hits like "Turn the night up", "Heart Attack" and until the last years with many collaborations and songs like "Duele el Corazon" and "Subeme la Radio " that will surely be sung in chorus even in "Skënderbej" square.

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

Enrique Iglesias turns "Skënderbej" square into a construction

He is one of the best-selling Spanish singers in the world, with more than 70 million records sold. In 2016, he was named by Billboard as the most successful male in club dance style, of all time.