Finding the right man apparently also depends on the horoscope. Some signs, some from personality and some from predetermined fate, have a tendency not to choose the right person.
Love can make you do stupid things. When you love someone, you don't really notice their faults or imperfections and tend to adore and admire them. You also overlook the fact that they may not be there for you when you love them and you may end up heartbroken. There are many warning signs early on in your relationship, but you tend to ignore them.
People born in Aries want to be on top, both professionally and personally. They may date someone simply because they are popular. Thus, they may stick with someone simply based on their popularity level rather than their personality.
Gemini needs to be constantly surrounded by people. They don't like the idea of being alone. So, to combat their loneliness, they sometimes hook up with someone. They fall in love with everyone they meet and start dating them just so they don't feel alone.
The crab
Since they are emotional, they tend to fall in love with someone who gives them small gestures. They become very attached and end up heartbroken when the other party either plays with their feelings or is annoyed by the Cancer's great affection.
Sagittarians want someone who will give them their personal space and allow them to be who they are. They want someone who won't stifle them and also someone who is a challenge. Thus, they tend to feel for people who play too much for people who play the role of interesting.