Horoscope for October 8 by Russell Grant

Horoscope for October 8 by Russell Grant


You can agree on a special arrangement with a colleague that will make life easier for both of you. Hard work will bring some nice results. Don't be surprised when you are made an offer based on your past record. People know what you are capable of and respect you for it.


You would like to give more time to a younger relative, but career and external affairs must take priority. Additional responsibilities are being loaded on you and right now, there seems to be no way out of it. You will be amply rewarded for your efforts, but that won't stop you from wishing you had more time for your family.


You are disappointed by the actions of a friend or romantic partner. You've been through similar experiences before and you don't want to get stuck in a relationship that's less than your ideal. You are now focusing on your success and are happy to focus on personal goals.

The crab

Sometimes the going will be tough. Persist because in overcoming these challenges, you will find yourself in a position that is destined to be beneficial to you. You may also find a way to use a previously untapped talent.


Hopes and dreams are what keep you going along with positive thinking. There's no place like home. Exciting ideas are being discussed within the family. You can surprise everyone by choosing traditional methods.


Problems could have been avoided if they had been identified earlier. A project started at the beginning of the year has gotten out of control. You prepared as well as you could and used all your resources, but the other people involved proved unfaithful.


Ju keni vënë dëshirat e të tjerëve përpara dëshirave tuaja për një kohë të gjatë. Disa reflektime dhe meditime të qeta do t'ju kujtojnë shpresat dhe dëshirat që keni shtyrë në njërën anë në fillim të vitit. Tani që këto kanë dalë në sipërfaqe. Do të dëshironi të ndryshoni planet për të ardhmen për të përfshirë aktivitete dhe ngjarje që do t'ju ndihmojnë të realizoni ëndrrat tuaja.


Dikush në familje ka lënë pas dore çështjet personale për hir të argëtimit dhe juve po ju mbaron durimi. Mund të bëni më shumë me një ndihmë. Ju kurrë nuk i keni injoruar kur ata kishin nevojë për ju, por po filloni të pyesni veten nëse keni qenë shumë të butë për një kohë të gjatë.


E keni të lehtë të përshtateni me ndryshimet. Njerëzit që nuk janë aq fleksibël mund të kërkojnë nga ju për të marrë vendime. Duhet të jeni të duruar me ta.


Sometimes you wonder if you and a relative are on the same wavelength. Keep talking and it will help you clear up misunderstandings. Communication between loved ones is important even if you find it difficult to understand each other.


Financial matters will be in the center of attention. You may need to review past decisions and look for less expensive alternatives. An educational issue or extracurricular activities being planned for some youth in the family should be considered or discussed.


You are on trial and will experiment with methods until you find the most effective one. Even if you haven't had much experience with a job or social project you're starting, there will be people who are more capable who will be happy to advise you.