Horoscope for August 31 by Russell Grant

Horoscope for August 31 by Russell Grant


A combination of some intense training and wonderful peer support gives you the confidence to get involved in a charitable endeavour. The fundraising and awareness it brings to the cause you're supporting will pay off. Individual stories will touch the hearts of many.


Hypersensitivity to your environment is making it difficult for you to think clearly and make unbiased decisions. You will not do this consciously, but you are absorbing other people's feelings like a sponge. You need some space to get back in tune with your thoughts.


It will be necessary for a team to return to the table to reconsider an offer made. The suggested offers will appear to worsen a situation where the intention was to improve matters. You may have to send repeated messages and make many phone calls to contact the people in power.

The crab

It will be reasonable and wise to exercise self-restraint. The consequences of the last few conversations will prove that you were right to stick to the facts.


All you can do is try to stay away from someone when it's clear they're doing their best to make your life difficult. Finding ways to relax and take your mind off your problems will be the best thing you can do for yourself.


Relationship tension is created when misunderstandings remain unresolved. Complaints, prayers and petitions are being ignored by people in positions of power. All of this is sending a signal to everyone that their efforts are not appreciated. You will have no hesitation in joining forces with others to fight for a just solution.


A meeting or interview will be postponed. This may bother you, but you won't let your feelings show. You just wanted to finish something, but now you keep waiting. You are happy to negotiate and work constructively towards a common goal.


A bad rumor is going around and when it reaches your ears you will not be happy. Nor will you be too pleased with the way some people are already speculating on what you have been told. You suspect, and rightly so, that this story is based on false assumptions.


You'll have a chance at an offer you've turned down in the past, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it. Everyone will expect you to do this. Although you had some regrets at the time, you now realize that you made the right choice and will do it again.


Një detyrë me të cilën shumë njerëz kanë luftuar do të përfundojë më në fund. E gjithë kjo falë këmbënguljes suaj. Kur të tjerët hoqën dorë prej saj, ju vazhduat. Një koleg i vjetër që zakonisht kritikon punën tuaj po ju tregon më shumë respekt. Inkurajimi i tyre miqësor po ju bën të rimendoni këtë marrëdhënie.


Brenda një ekipi me të cilin po punoni, ka nevojë që bisedat të jenë të lehta. Temat prekëse duhet të shmangen, të paktën tani për tani. Disa çështje do të duhet të diskutohen dhe bien dakord në të ardhmen, por sot për sot, të punohet për të fituar harmoninë në ekip.


A relationship that is usually harmonious now seems strained and difficult. This is causing you a lot of confusion. Even if you sit down together to talk things out, you're unlikely to get answers or clarification when neither of you can understand what's going on.