You are encouraged to take a more sensible approach to finances, which means: impulse spending is out at this time. Are you single? You suspect that a friend likes you. You are not interested and this can put you in a difficult situation.
You are feeling generous and inspired to spend more money. A cash bonus or reward for hard work allows you to be more relaxed about finances. When you would normally save some extra money, today you just want to have a good time.
The more confident you feel, the easier it will be to cope with a difficult situation. Keep an eye on the people you care about, who may not understand why you're pushing to do things your way. You don't want to offend a senior colleague by dismissing their advice out of hand.
The crab
If you haven't exercised in a while, now is the time to start again. Once you start a fitness program, you will start to feel happier and healthier. You may even wonder how you ever survived without it.
News of new opportunities is getting everyone talking. Consider ideas with an open mind. The changes discussed can work to your advantage even though it may not seem like it at first. There is an element of challenge to a new venture that is likely to appeal to you.
There are additional demands at work or family to deal with, but you will organize your time in such a way that no matter what happens, you will be able to set aside a few hours for your things.
There should be more communication in a close relationship. A growing understanding will occur if you are willing to be open and honest with others. If you have been keeping secrets, lay all your cards on the table. The consequences will surprise you.
You know how important it is not to go to extremes. You find it hard to relax because you are taking everything too seriously. At some point you will have to find an outlet for your strong emotions. Participating in some type of sports activity or exercise should help.
Financial and domestic matters are at the forefront of your thoughts. There is tension in your home. You may not be able to understand why someone is being so angry. Their mood will affect the atmosphere in general and this will make family life quite stressful.
There are one or two things to sort out that should make a difficult project go more smoothly. You haven't had much time for yourself lately. You can take a break.
A project already started will have some obstacles. This is something you haven't had much to do with until now. In addition to being asked for help and advice, you may be burdened with all the responsibility.
It may seem like you haven't had the chance to get out as much lately as you'd like. No matter what the weather you will be determined to make up for it. Are you single? An unexpected invitation will make things even more interesting.