Aquarius - Pisces monthly horoscope

Aquarius - Pisces monthly horoscope


In APRIL you will experience some complicated moments in relation to a close person, perhaps from your circle of relatives.

Concerns related to his health are possible, or he will need to make important decisions about his future.

The month of April will be a favorable month for starting a love affair or for developing an already established relationship that has started in the last year or two.

During this month you can make important decisions regarding the future of your relationship.

In April, you will attend a meeting for a more important occasion related to a child or a loved one. You will have to choose a suitable but also useful gift.

This month you will not be able to achieve all your expectations, but what you will achieve will be important and will have a long-term significance for your future.

In April, your relationships with the people who live near you will be tested, as well as with such people who have a negative attitude towards you.

In the middle of spring you will be surprised by the success of a person who is your relative or close friend.

Boys and girls can spend a financially favorable month where unexpected events will work in their favor. Those of you who have made a change of residence in the previous three months will face difficult changes and adaptation to new living conditions in April. During this period, it will be very important for you to consider your real financial capabilities and take your financial matters more seriously.

Men will have more tasks at work or in business. Changes and innovations of any nature are possible, including starting a new job. Those who will be involved in a court or legal case will not experience any surprises. News from near and far this month will largely determine your future plans.

Women will have emotional experiences with women and other close ones. You will think much more seriously about your role in the family and in the society where you live. Some young women will be happy with news related to pregnancy, the birth of a child or the success of an already grown child. For some of you, however, a difficult decision lies ahead.


In APRIL you will be disappointed by various meetingsc.

This will be a difficult month for resolving property issues.

The unexpected problems that will arise this month and that will leave you unprepared to solve them, in most cases will be related to the malicious actions of people you trusted or who are from your close environment.

During this month, avoid comments related to the private lives of others, because your words will not remain a secret for the persons to whom they refer.

Despite the conviction that you have the right to fight for your interests or rights, April may involve you in a very unpleasant situation in which a conflict will take a very unpleasant development.

If such a situation gets out of control, it can lead to a lawsuit or a physical fight.

During this month, turn your attention to achieving the best financial results in the work or business you are engaged in, as well as to the search for new additional income.

In these things favorable circumstances will be created for you, of which it would be wise to take advantage.

Boys and girls will go through a difficult time, fatal for their future. You will be separated from the people you were close to. There will be many strange and unexpected relationships in your life this month. Comments from a close person or friend about people you personally respect or love will make an unpleasant impression on you. April brings many changes in your circle of friends.

Men will look for light in the tunnel they most likely entered by following someone else's advice. There is no drama in your situation, but the lesson must be learned. You will think about what you can do for your loved ones and especially for your children or other young people in the family. Whether you will have the time and resources to implement your ideas will be another matter.

Women will struggle with their fears and anxieties. Your future in 2024 will still be unclear or uncertain for several reasons. You try to make plans, but you see how things change every day. Strive for material stability, a secure home and good income.