During the week of September 23 - 29, unexpected events may occur in your educational, work or business matters.
Events that will surprise you will mostly be related to people or institutions from another country.
Be reasonable and less emotional in your relationships with family people.
During the week you will have various financial relationships with people outside your home. They may burden you in some ways, but the results are important to you.
During the week you will have receipts, but some complications related to money will also appear.
An event related to a young person will surprise you this week.
Boys and girls will have ambitions to achieve better results or secure more income. During these seven days you will meet people of all temperaments.
The most important or urgent tasks this week for men will be related to other men in your family, colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc.
This week will be favorable for travel for family reasons, for work or for tourist purposes.
During the week you will receive important information or news that may come from another city.
Women can remember this week with a new or interesting proposal for travel, for work in another residence and other such experiences.
The week will favor the end of a commitment, a period of your life and the beginning of something new that promises to be successful and important for your future development.
During the week of September 23 - 29, you will have meetings with important people for your future, with whom you will discuss various ideas and plans.
Some new acquaintances you will make during the week will start off rough, but will last almost a lifetime.
Good offers or new opportunities will come unexpectedly for you, but I hope you don't miss them.
During the week, you will develop your financial commitments in a new direction. You will have good income in your family or someone from your circle of relatives will contribute a good amount of money to your family budget.
During the week there will be a conversation about moving to another house, staying in another populated place for a certain period of time, selling property, repairing the house where you live, etc.
During this week, you will tend to clean your home and personal life of unnecessary items, relationships and unpromising commitments.
Many will look for new sources of income if what you currently receive is not enough for you. You will be lucky in this regard, as you will easily find part-time work if you are really looking for such a job and are not too demanding.
The week will be remembered by girls and boys with an event or an experience related to a child, a peer or a friend. You are likely to get involved in unwanted troubles and problems driven by your desire to achieve something at any cost. You will be disappointed or angry with yourself, but this is how you gain life experience.
This week you will have more responsibilities at school or at work. Do not run away from most tasks, as you will have the opportunity to prove yourself, implement an important idea or project.
Men have a busy and hectic week ahead. Misunderstandings or doubts about your partner's actions can be the cause of unwanted objections and even the cooling of your relationship. Of course, this may be due to the fact that this week you will be overly critical of the actions of those around you. You will have a hard time understanding their actions, especially when they are the opposite of what you want or expect. Your relationships with relatives will also be under pressure, due to your greater emotionality or sensitivity.
Good things this week for women will be related to the ability to provide the right treatment or therapy.
During this week, avoid showing jealousy, confrontation, imposing your opinion and will. If you gain control over such emotions, you have an interesting and successful week ahead of you.
During these seven days, you will have to deal emotionally with some unpleasant news related to drama in the lives of people you know.