Weekly horoscope Libra - Scorpio

Weekly horoscope Libra - Scorpio


The week of August 26 - September 1 brings a lot of work in almost all areas of your life.
A large part of your commitments this week will require visits to various institutions.
You will have to face various problems related to documents, health and others.
You are ready to meet new people who will have a longer presence in your life.
Travels during this period will rarely go according to your expectations. There may be a need for a trip that you will undertake reluctantly, out of necessity or out of compulsion.
During these days, do not pressure loved ones to make promises to you. If they ask you for things that you will find difficult to accept - be firm in your refusal.
This will be a favorable period for family gatherings and celebrations, for engagement or marriage and others. Your good intentions regarding the family will now receive the necessary support and opportunity for implementation.

Those of you involved in resolving a property or domestic matter will experience some progress. An old health problem or a chronic disease will require your attention and care, treatment or certain medical procedures, therapy. Many will be satisfied with the success achieved as a result of joint work/activity with friends.
Boys and girls will make plans for the new month. The summer is gradually behind you and new challenges are ahead of you, which will require you not only to take more responsible actions, but also to have a clearer idea of ​​​​what you want to achieve for yourself by the end of year. Conflicts will be more frequent during these seven days and you can look for their reasons in your love, professional or family life.
Men will face some troubles that will show them the mistakes they have made in the months since the beginning of the year until now. You may have intuitively expected them to happen, but hoped that things would somehow work out without causing complications or problems.

Women will arrange meetings with friends, former or current colleagues, classmates, etc. Unpleasant news about someone you know can focus your attention on protecting your personal information and belongings from theft or malicious activity.


During the week of August 19 - 25, you will find it difficult to implement a planned change, as various circumstances will force you to postpone it until the end of the year.
This will be an unfavorable time for court or legal matters.
During this week, an unpleasant conflict will arise in your home regarding money or a financial document, payment that you lost or forgot.
Relations between different generations will be interesting and beneficial for both parties.
You will attend a gathering related to a person in your circle of friends, where you will go with a pre-prepared gift.
Boys and girls can experience a return to a recently ended love or have a meeting with an ex-girlfriend that turns out to be pleasant for both parties. This week will be favorable for changes, for their preliminary planning and implementation. In some cases, they may be related to a relative or your personal plans. This will be an unfavorable period for contacts with judicial, banking, government or legal institutions, if you need them.
The health of Scorpio men will require care or compliance with a healthy diet. A health ailment is possible, which will be related to your old illness. During this week, a large part of your time and energy will be invested in the development of your family affairs.

Women will experience a date whether you have a specific occasion for it or not.
During this period, a joyful event will fill you with much-needed positive energy.
There will be a negative impact on your family or marital relationships through the interference of a person outside your home. Contradictions will arise, the need for explanations, justifications, etc.