During the week of July 22 - 28, you will have contact with people who will cause you a feeling of insincerity or disloyalty on their part towards you. However, for various reasons, you will need to maintain good relations with them. These contacts can prove to be a test for you, due to the need to constantly control your words and emotions.
Remember that these acquaintances will be really important for you, so balance your emotions and feelings well.
This week does not bring great financial success from work, but this should not make you neglect your responsibilities and obligations. The efforts and energy you put into your work this week will determine your success or failure in the future.
The problems you will experience this week with a person from your circle of relatives or friends will not surprise you.
The week heralds various pleasant events or meetings, mainly of a family nature. Many will be invited and attend an engagement, wedding or anniversary.
Love can be generous with you this week. Your romantic relationships will have an interesting development.
Unpleasant experiences related to your past may arise that may discredit you or require you to take specific actions.
Boys and girls will meet, chat or have fun with childhood friends. You will spend many pleasant moments with them as well as with other friends you have known for a long time. For some of you, the week brings good news about a baby or a child from your circle of relatives. During these seven days you will often be on the move, you will go here and there, you will meet different people, you will accumulate a lot of emotions, experiences, knowledge and information, life experience. This will be an important week for you who have commitments related to education or career.
Men will have emotional, but important and necessary conversations about documents or money, mainly with their partner. Expenses related to a family member are possible and will require more careful consideration and planning.
Women will have to pay attention to their health problems and reduce the stress in their daily life which is actually the cause of these diseases. The week will be very dynamic for you, with many more tasks and this will have to be well balanced emotionally, mentally and physically. Some of you will have a special experience or serious commitment with a younger brother, son, or nephew.
During the week of July 22 - 28, you will suddenly have to spend more money on things that at this stage you think are important for your children or family.
During this week, every problem will definitely have its natural solution. Avoid emotionally exhausting yourself. Avoid conflicts and arguments, because they will be a waste of energy, power and, above all, time. Mentally, you may find yourself very exhausted before the end of the week.
During this week, the need for an unexpected trip may arise. In general, you have an interesting and dynamic week of communication with close and distant relatives and friends.
During these seven days, you will experience pleasant surprises related to people who live or work in another residence.
You can expect a visit to your home from friends or special guests. There doesn't necessarily have to be a specific reason for this.
During the week, close people will share with you news or different events from their lives.
During these seven days, you will follow with interest the events related to colleagues. An unpleasant news related to thoughtless actions or mistakes of friends or relatives will burden you emotionally.
In general, however, this could be a favorable week for you to start different, new ventures. You will achieve significant successes with those for which you have made some preliminary preparations.
During this week, be careful of losing or stealing personal items.
Boys and girls will spend a week full of commitments, various pleasant meetings, including people who generally live, study or work in other settlements. You will have plenty of opportunities for joy and pleasant experiences, but do not waste your time only with such entertainments. Find enough time to do some useful work around your home or a job that is important to your education or career. During this week you will learn about a theft or loss in the life of a loved one.
Men will expect to see real results from the actions they have engaged in over the past few weeks. Any news or information this week will be important to you and your future plans. It is possible to receive a document that will open up new opportunities for you or you will achieve success that will take you to a new level in your work.
Women can use this week to travel together with a woman. The journey will not be a long distance. During this week, you may have a commitment or sympathy for an important event in the life of a girl from your close environment.