During the week of August 26 - September 1, you will need to have a more active social life. You will have meetings and conversations with friends, with new people who will appear in your life during these seven days or in the environment where you live, work.
During the week, you will not miss opportunities for meetings. It will be very important for you not to close down and look for a reason to postpone such contacts.
During these days it will be important to allow new things and people to enter your life.
In the financial plan, no major difficulties or insoluble problems are expected.
It is possible that in a specific situation you depend on the actions of another person, but encounter resistance and reluctance to cooperate.
The week will be favorable for shopping.
Good development during these days will have your commitments related to solving internal problems or property issues. Young men and women will go through an important seven-day period of their lives, in which it will be important to show their stability, their ability to create harmony and humor around them.
Boys and girls will have to think carefully about their actions and decisions this week, as they will tend to act emotionally, hastily and under the influence of people who either do not have enough life experience or are not aware of what problems bring their advice in the future. Learn to make your own decisions about your life, but again I emphasize without emotion and without stubbornness. A man whose books, articles, or public presence provide you with important and useful information and knowledge can have a good influence on you this week.
Men will commit to something that is important to a close person. During this week, the women in the family, whether you live together or not, will need your help and presence for various reasons and needs. Some of the problems can be difficult to solve. In this case, be honest that you are helpless or don't know how to help them, instead of creating another kind of trouble.
Women would do well to learn to wait this week, and even if you don't create anything important, that's fine, instead of making an unpleasant mess of your life. The main problems in your life this week may arise from provocation or involvement in any conflict in which you will show inconsistency or stubbornness, which will not benefit you in any case.
The crab
Gjatë javës 26 gusht - 1 shtator do të kaloni një periudhë të favorshme për eksperienca romantike dhe dashurie.
Takime me miq nga afër dhe larg, shkëmbim informacionesh interesante, kujtime dhe përvoja të ndryshme janë përpara jush. Shumë do të ftohen në një takim apo mbledhje. Do të keni biseda apo marrëdhënie interesante me njerëz të afërt dhe të largët.
Këtë javë do të arrini sukses me këmbëngulje më të madhe, gjë që do të jetë e rëndësishme për stabilitetin tuaj material dhe financiar.
Ju do të keni një bisedë të rëndësishme me një pjesëtar të familjes. Mund të lindin shqetësime apo shqetësime të kota që lidhen me një të afërm.
Në vendin tuaj të punës do të ketë tension për shkak të keqkuptimit apo paaftësisë së dikujt. Problemet me klientët, kolegët apo mbikëqyrësit e pakënaqur janë të mundshme.
Gjatë kësaj jave, shmangni marrjen e një vendimi në lidhje me strehimin ose çdo pronë tjetër që ju ose familja juaj zotëroni.
Gjatë këtyre shtatë ditëve, mos humbisni asgjë dhe mos nënvlerësoni rëndësinë e asnjë takimi apo bisede. Mos u përpiqni të përdorni truket ose të manipuloni askënd.
Për vajzat dhe djemtë, kjo javë mund të jetë një periudhë e rëndësishme për dashurinë dhe marrëdhëniet tuaja intime.
Tensioni i akumuluar, keqkuptimet e pazgjidhura, mundësitë e humbura për biseda të sinqerta, tani mund të përshkallëzohen në mënyrë të papritur për ju në një konflikt të hapur. Këto ngjarje janë të paparashikueshme dhe është e mundur të merrni një ndryshim interesant ose të papritur në marrëdhënien tuaj.
You are on the verge of fixing financial relations with a person with whom you almost always have a complicated or problematic relationship.
Men can win this week through a long-thought-out idea, luck, through a new contract, etc. This will be a favorable period for conversations related to salary increases or your other monthly income. You will hope for something from your conversation with a woman with whom you do not live together.
During these seven days you will patiently await the development of a fraud or intrigue against you, or in which you are involved in any way. Although emotionally this affects you very negatively and painfully, you are aware that a direct conflict on this topic will not be in your favor.
For women, this week will be an unpredictable and emotionally complicated period, but financially things will be more favorable for you and your family. Even an unexpected profit, luck in terms of money or other purchases is possible. You may be burdened with some troubles or unpleasant people, which will make you more determined to clean up relationships with people whose job it is to create problems.
During this week, it will be important to keep yourself more positive, romantic, emotional, which will make you pleasant company almost throughout the week.