Weekly horoscope Gemini - Cancer

Weekly horoscope Gemini - Cancer


During the week of February 12 to 18, through the occurrence of various events or situations, you will get greater clarity, or an idea of ​​how to solve your old problems or how to remove people from your life that create them for you.

During these seven days, you will have greater confidence in your actions and decisions, and this will make you steadfast in following through and implementing them.

However, the week may draw your attention to old health problems that affect you personally or another family member. Events will require more pronounced, careful or permanent treatment, regardless of your fear.

During this week, pleasant surprises, events and experiences will be connected with your family, loved ones or more distant relatives.

This will be a favorable week for an engagement, wedding, anniversary or other special family gathering.

The week will be favorable for your financial affairs, and some of you may even be pleasantly surprised by unexpected money.

Good trends during the week should not make you careless. Take advantage of every favorable situation and be honest and open with those around you.

Boys and girls will deal with many people and a variety of circumstances. Your health can also be unstable and cause you some diseases, even though you are young. There will be greater concerns or problems in boys than in girls, which will be due to greater emotionality and sensitivity during these seven days.

Men will expect to receive some news or results of their previous actions this week. Events will develop faster than your expectations and this can sometimes create unwanted stress for you. Financially, no problems are expected, but your decisions and actions will be important.

Women will have meetings with tough people, which will create inner tension and worry for you. These people can appear at your home, at your work or in a public place. You may experience surprises from people who live a short distance from you.

The crab

During the week from February 12 to 18, it will be good to avoid getting involved in property matters, as there is a chance that you will be mistaken about something or someone will deliberately lie to you.

If you have to make important and expensive purchases, carefully check the price and quality, as well as the country of production of the relevant goods.

If you are attending a special occasion gathering that will require the purchase of a gift, try to be original to avoid disappointment.

During this week, there will be many people in your life on different occasions, both at your home and at your workplace or at various social events. This will require you to communicate carefully and adapt to the moods and expectations of a variety of people.

During the week, love will be a source of pleasant emotions, especially if you have managed to maintain harmony and understanding in your relationship.

This will be a favorable week for making important decisions related to a serious commitment, such as creating a family, conceiving a child and others.

During these seven days, you will carefully consider the possibility of applying for a loan. You understand that this is a serious decision and you will give yourself sufficient time to think about and check the details of such a contract before taking this step.

Boys and girls will spend a week with different emotions, in some cases related to events in the life of a classmate, relative. The week does not promise any significant success in your life. During the week, be careful in relationships with young people or children.

Avoid looking for the source of a conspiracy or false information because it will get you nowhere. You have a strong and positive week in which you will need to put energy into the things that matter to your future. Some events will have a rapid and unexpected development during these seven days.

Women will spend a week of dynamic communication with different people due to the development of important events in the family, work or in the society where you live. Unexpected worries, fears about events that will happen unexpectedly can arise. Your relations with your neighbors will require attention, especially if you have to solve any problems with them.