Histori Personale

Ravesa, who is the Albanian who raised the flag in NYC

Ravesa, who is the Albanian who raised the flag in NYC

Ravesa Bajo, a young girl with big dreams, with a typical Mediterranean beauty and intelligence, who comes from an intellectual family, with her success is making every Albanian proud today.

She dedicates her journey so far to her parents, especially to her father Hasan Bajo, a well-known name in Albanian literature, who has brought his own works and publications to the readers.

Amid many challenges and difficulties, Ravesa and her family were accepted in Paris, France with political asylum. At the age of eighteen, she immigrated to the United States and attended John Jay University, part of the City University of New York system, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.

Ravesa, who is the Albanian who raised the flag in NYC

Ravesa Bajo, in February 2022, was appointed Executive Director of Political Initiatives and Special Projects for the Office of the Mayor for the Issue of Immigrants.

An Albanian who is part of the New York City Council cabinet, where she is entrusted with key projects to provide critical services to the population of 3 million immigrants and refugees and promotes integration into the civic, economic and cultural life of New York City.

Më parë, Ravesa shërbeu si Këshilltare e Lartë e Politikave për Zëvendës Kryetarin e Bashkisë për Operacionet në Zyrën e Kryetarit të Qytetit të Nju Jorkut, duke mbikëqyrur agjensitë kryesore të qytetit që mbulojnë shërbimet thelbësore ditore për 8.8 milion Nju Jorkez, duke u fokusuar që nga marsi 2020 në koordinimin e reagimit emergjent të qytetit të Nju Jorkut ndaj pandemisë COVID-19.

Ravesa, who is the Albanian who raised the flag in NYC

Additionally, Ravesa has led a portfolio of impactful initiatives in the areas of economic opportunity, educational equity, and immigration reform. Ravesa has also advocated for the successful reintegration of youth involved in the New York City system, worked on the education and empowerment of underprivileged students on the South Side and West Side of Chicago, and conducted legal research in the areas of witness identification. and access to DNA testing in US death penalty cases.