For almost 25 years, he has been known as a divisive figure! The story of the Queen Consort, Camilla
With her husband's accession to the throne after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Camilla has become 'Queen Consort' and will take on a new and more prominent role alongside King Charles III.
For more than 25 years after the death of Charles' first wife, Diana, Princess of Wales, Camilla has remained a divisive figure in Britain, writes CNN.
Born Camilla Shand in July 1947, she reportedly met Prince Charles at a polo match in Windsor in 1970 and they became friends.
The following year Charles joined the Royal Navy and, while he was away, Camilla married Officer Andrew Parker Bowles. The couple had two children during the 1970s.
Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981, but he admitted in 1994 that he had an extramarital affair with Camilla. Camilla divorced Andrew Parker Bowles in 1995. Charles and Diana divorced the following year and Camilla disappeared from public life as public and media support swung behind the princess. Pro-Diana and anti-Camilla sentiments worsened after the Princess died in a car accident in Paris in 1997.
In 1999, Camilla moved to Clarence House to be with Charles and her name began to appear on official documents. Their story culminated in 2005 when they married in Windsor, with the consent of the Queen.
Në momentin që i shoqi u bë mbret, Camilla u bë automatikisht mbretëreshë. Megjithatë, prej kohësh mendohej se ajo nuk do ta përdorte titullin, pasi Clarence House kishte lëshuar një deklaratë në 2005 duke thënë se ajo do të njihej si "Princesha Consort". Disa në pallat në atë kohë mendonin se publiku nuk ishte gati që Camilla të merrte një titull që ishte destinuar për Dianën.
Por me kalimin e viteve, qëndrimet ndaj Camilla-s janë zbutur. Në vitin 2015, një sondazh i CNN zbuloi se një në katër britanikë e pëlqenin atë, gjithnjë e më pak njerëz e kundërshtonin që ajo të bëhej mbretëreshë.
Më pas, në shkurt 2022, Mbretëresha përdori momentin historik të jubileut të saj Platinum për të dhënë bekimin e saj që Dukesha e Cornwall-it të njihet si mbretëreshë kur të vinte koha.
"When the time comes, and my son Charles becomes King, I know you will give him and his wife Camilla the same support you have given me and it is my sincere wish that, when she does time, Camilla will be known as Queen Consort as she continues her loyal service ," the Queen said.