The partner of the Italian prime minister and their love story that was born in the publicity because of a banana
Andrea Giambruno is the partner of the newly elected Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. The 41-year-old journalist by profession works for the TV channel of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Mediaset.
Both met in a television program in which the 43-year-old was the author. They first became good friends, although they had different political views, then they fell in love, now they are parents to a daughter.
The history of recognition
Meloni had arrived at the studio hungry, having not eaten anything all day. During a commercial break, the politician grabbed a banana to eat, but didn't get a chance to put it down before the show went back on air.
"I rush over there and grab his hand, even with some enthusiasm," recalls Giambruno. And though Meloni initially mistook him for an assistant, their eyes exchanged for a moment. 'Our eyes met for a moment, it was strange.'
From there, Corriere reports, the couple began a close friendship and then fell in love. On September 16, 2016, their daughter Ginevra was born. Meloni has always praised her partner for being an incredible father.
Different political views
Meloni and Giambruno claim to have different political views.
Ndërsa Meloni bëri fushatë dhe u bë kryeministre i Italisë me sloganin "Zot, vend dhe familje", Giambruno pretendon se "zemra e tij është me të majtët" dhe ka votuar gjithmonë në këtë mënyrë.
“Unë jam në favor të legalizimit të drogës, madje edhe atyre të rëndave,” tha ai në një intervistë. "Unë do të zbrazja jetimoret dhe do t'u jepja të gjitha foshnjat çifteve të LGBT-së."
Meloni e ka bërë të qartë gjatë gjithë fushatës së saj se ku qëndron mbi të drejtat e LGBTQ: "Po familjes natyrore, jo lobit LGBT, po identitetit seksual, jo ideologjisë gjinore," u shpreh ajo gjatë fushatës.
Për më tepër, Politico raporton se Meloni është fuqishëm kundër drogës dhe kundër abortit, megjithëse “ajo këmbënguli se nuk do ta ndalonte abortin”.
Meloni said in an interview for Corriere that she asks her partner not to talk about politics at home: "Politics again? Please, let's change the subject!"