Histori Personale

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

David Phillip Vetter spent 9 months in his mother's womb and just seconds after his birth, he was placed inside a plastic bag from which he never came out. David suffered from a rare condition called SCID, which meant he had no functioning immune system. His story still excites today, more than 50 years after his birth.

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

David was the third child the parents welcomed.

David came into the world in September 1971, in Texas. He was the third child of his parents Carol Ann and David. They had a daughter, Katherine, and later a son, David Joseph, who died in infancy, from SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency). When the couple found out they were expecting another son, doctors said there would be a 50% chance he would also have SCID.

Specialists thought that keeping David in a plastic, sterile bubble would only be for a short period while they searched for and found a cure for SCID. They thought the boy would outgrow SCID by age 2. Eventually, David was sealed in a bubble for the rest of his life to protect against viruses and bacteria that could have been fatal to him.

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

Stafi i Qendrës Spitalore të Teksasit, ku Davidi kaloi 5 vitet e para të jetës së tij, shtronte pyetjen nëse ishte etike të rrisësh një fëmijë brenda një flluskë dhe ata përfundimisht ranë dakord se ishte.

Çdo gjë e vetme që merrte djali—ushqim, ujë, pelena, veshje, libra—duhej të sterilizohej dhe të futej përmes kapakut. Këto qendra izolimi u projektuan nga inxhinierët e NASA-s, të cilët më vonë krijuan gjithashtu një kostum për Davidin, që i ngjante kostumit të një astronauti, në mënyrë që ai të mund të lëvizte lirshëm.

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

Falë kostumit hapësinor, i cili në atë kohë vlente 50,000 dollarë, nëna e Davidit, Carol Ann, mund ta mbante dhe përqafonte djalin e saj për herë të parë më 29 korrik 1977, kur David ishte 5 vjeç.

Ndërsa opsionet mjekësore avancoheshin, kishte një shpresë të re për Davidin.

Në vitin 1983, mjekët prezantuan një procedurë të re—një transfuzion të palcës kockore. Katherine, motra e Davidit, doli vullnetare si donatore në një përpjekje për të shëruar sëmundjen e vëllait të saj. Mjerisht, 4 muaj më pas, vetëm në moshën 12 vjeçare, David Vetter ndërroi jetë nga limfoma, një kancer që më vonë u konfirmua se ishte futur në sistemin e tij nga virusi Epstein-Barr, i cili ishte i fjetur në palcën e motrës së tij.

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

David besohet se ka qenë personi i fundit që është vendosur ndonjëherë brenda një flluskë plastike.

The Texas hospital later opened the David Center — dedicated to the research, diagnosis and treatment of immune deficiencies. Today, thanks to the son and the legacy he left behind, there are now laws allowing newborn screening panels. Furthermore, many children suffering from SCID are diagnosed early and can now lead healthy and normal lives. A well-known doctor said that 'What David gave us was a powerful lesson in many areas of medicine and in life itself.'

The story of David, the child who lived forever inside a bag

The epitaph on David Vetter's tombstone reads: "He never touched the world, but the world was touched by him."