The man who cheated death and lived 45 years longer only thanks to the sea

A man cheated death for almost 45 years. After a cancer diagnosis, he was given only 9 months to live.
Stamatis Moraitis was told by doctors in 1976 that he had only six to nine months to live after lung cancer.
After years of working and raising a family in the US, Moraitis made the decision to return to his home country of Ikaria because a funeral in the US would be too expensive.
He decided to return to his native island. He started drinking wine and waiting for the day when death would knock on the door.
After his return to Ikaria, months passed and Moraitis felt himself getting stronger with time.
Pasi kaloi 9 muajt, kuptoi se kishte shpresa për të jetuar më shumë.
Pasi kaloi shënuesin e nëntë muajve, ai kuptoi se mund të kishte më shumë jetë për të jetuar - dhe kishte të drejtë.
Ai jetoi 45 vjet pas diagnozës duke ndërruar jetë në moshën 98-vjeçare.
"Unë nuk jam mjek, por mendoj se vera ndihmoi", tha njëherë për BBC.
Moraitis tha se ai mbijetoi për kaq gjatë sepse konsumonte vetëm ushqime të pastra barishte dhe verë, ajër të pastër dhe jetoi një jetë pa stres.
Ishulli i vogël grek Ikaria i quajtur si 'ishulli ku njerëzit harrojnë të vdesin', njihet gjithashtu si një 'zonë blu', me banorë që jetojnë mesatarisht 10 vjet më shumë se pjesa tjetër e Evropës Perëndimore, një prej tyre është Moraitis që mashtroi vdekjen për dekada.
Ai madje refuzoi të pinte verë komerciale.
The Greek island is not the only 'blue zone' in the world according to UniLad, there are other countries where people live statistically longer.
However, research from the National Library of Medicine shows that a person's lifespan depends largely on how they lead their life, with only 20% of a person's genetics contributing to their lifespan.
Although people living in the 'blue zones' live statistically longer and are less likely to have serious illness in later life than the rest of the world, Healthline claims they have healthier diets as a result of the food produced in their locality, which doctors regularly recommend.