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Habits that slow down your child's development

Habits that slow down your child's development

Parents have great responsibilities.

When it comes to parenting, there are many things parents need to consider.

What do children want?

In addition to love and support, children want to be understood and heard. Don't dismiss their prayers just because they are children.

You don't let the kids make decisions

As a parent, you can guide your children to make the right decisions. But if you try to dictate their every move, then it can impair their decision-making skills.

Being overly involved

While you need to keep an eye on your child's progress, you need to teach them to fight their own battles.

Ground rules are important

Parents who do not establish ground rules early in their child's life may find it difficult to discipline them in the future.

Learn to be flexible

Parenting is about striking the right balance. Sometimes you have to learn to let some things slide for the sake of your child.

Making comparisons can affect children

Never compare or criticize your child. Let them make mistakes. Only then will they learn.

Invading your child's space

It is important for your child to deal with his own problems. You can't always be there for them. Give them their space.