Researchers in the US: Electronic cigarettes reduce the rate of tobacco consumption!
Tobacco use has declined rapidly according to an analysis conducted by the US National Health Surveys (NHIS).
According to the study, this change occurred due to the increase in the use of alternative products with reduced risk, especially during the last decade.
From the moment these products were introduced, there have always been discussions about whether they are a useful tool in the fight against smoking or a substitute for cigarettes. This question has also put the scientific community at a crossroads, the only ones who can guide patients towards solutions with reduced risk. Over the years, technological progress and the development of new tobacco products have positively changed the health risk created by the use of these products. This change, which comes as a result of technological evolution, has created the need for a review of public health policies.
Today, the use of alternative products is at the center of the scientific debate. Many experts are of the opinion that these products are simply a way to start smoking. While the Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction refutes this claim on the grounds that the level of smoking among young people and adolescents remains very low, despite the increase in the use of electronic cigarettes.
The study, titled "Increasing prevalence of electronic device use is associated with decreased smoking among US adults," published in the Harm Reduction Journal, is a follow-up to an earlier analysis. The first analysis studied consumption at the population level by assessing the introduction of e-cigarettes in the US and how this affects the decline in cigarette consumption among adults.
The results showed that the prevalence of smoking has decreased at an accelerated rate in the last decade due to the use of new products with reduced risk.
"We found that as population-level e-cigarette use increases, smoking rates decrease, suggesting that e-cigarettes may replace cigarettes as a less harmful product. Although the study does not fully prove causation and has some limitations, it is consistent with other studies, stimulation, econometrics and randomized trials.