Impostor syndrome mostly affects women, but it can be overcome
Anxiety, panic attacks, fear of being found out. Kwto are not the characteristics of those who have committed a crime, but the feelings experienced by many people who are convinced that they are making mistakes and that sooner or later they will be found out. It's called Impostor Syndrome and it's estimated that at least 7 out of 10 people have experienced it at least once in their lives.
What is impostor syndrome?
The term 'imposter syndrome' was coined in 1978 by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes to describe a condition in which successful people are (erroneously) convinced that their achievements are due to factors such as luck and timing and not by skills and merits and, for this reason, they are afraid of being "unmasked".
When we talk about impostor syndrome, we talk more about work, career or study, but the condition can also be found in other areas, such as social relations, love, family.
A study found that about 70% of all people have felt like an impostor at some point in their lives, but that 25-30% of people suffer from complete syndrome, which often affects those who are very perfectionists.
Causes of imposter syndrome
Impostor syndrome has no exact cause, but is likely the result of many factors, including personality traits (such as perfectionism) and family background. One theory is that imposter syndrome is rooted in families that value success above all else. Other studies say it starts when families are characterized by low support and high conflict.
Despite remarkable academic and professional achievements, women who experience impostor syndrome persist in believing that they are not truly brilliant and that they have deceived anyone who thinks otherwise.
Since it is not a recognized mental disorder or a pathological condition, there are no real symptoms that can allow you to make a "diagnosis". However, there are common characteristics shared by people suffering from imposter syndrome, which is often associated with anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder, but also with panic attacks and depression.
Jo vetëm kaq: personat që vuajnë nga kjo sindromë shmangin situatat që mund t'i vënë para një vlerësimi të drejtpërdrejtë, ata punojnë deri në rraskapitje dhe i shmangen meritave për punën e tyre.
Për të dalë nga sindroma e mashtruesve, duhet të mësoni të pranoni suksesin dhe të kuptoni se ne jemi të denjë për të. Një hap i rëndësishëm mund të jetë biseda me dikë për këtë: miqtë dhe familja mund të ndihmojnë në normalizimin e ndjenjave dhe të na kujtojnë se frika që përjetojmë nuk është reale, ndërsa një terapist mund të na ndihmojë jo vetëm të identifikojmë origjinën e sindromës, por edhe të zhvillojmë taktika për të luftoje.
Some suggestions might include making a list of accomplishments and things we are proud of.
Also, it is vital that we stop comparing ourselves to the achievements and lives of others and stop chasing perfection to focus on simply being the best version of ourselves.