Beware, today is Blue Monday, the most stressful day of 2025

The third Monday of January is widely known as Blue Monday, the so-called most stressful day of the year.
This year it is January 20th.
There are very few scientific explanations for what lies behind Blue Monday, but there are several reasons why this day makes us feel sadder than usual.
In fact, it's also the time when Canadians see less sun, people generally don't have much of an appetite to eat, and it's the time when they realize that of all those plans they made for the New Year, nothing has changed so far, except for the added debts and the desire for the cold days to end as soon as possible.
However, neuroscientist Dean Burnett says this concept is an invention of humanity as there is no reason why it should be called the most stressful day of the year.
The idea for Blue Monday, according to several websites, was first conceived in 2005 by a travel agency named Sky Travel, and was called the day when no one wants to travel under gray skies, and this agency used the term to generate more interest and attract more customers.
The neuroscientist says there is no such thing as 24-hour depression. According to him, mental health does not work in this way defined by days, and if there are people who believe it can be psychologically harmful.
The truth, according to him, is this: Mid-January is logically gloomy, tiring, it is the phase when the body gets used to the changes after the holidays, less food, less music in the background, less travel, cold and a return to the daily routine without close people around. However, to escape this feeling, it is good to maintain positivity and consume vitamin D.