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Strange how we have remained the same

Strange how we have remained the same

This is a passage excerpted from Ilir Ikonomi's book "Fan Noli Apostulli".

"For the turbulence in the Albanian scene, Noli blamed the delays in the constitution of the state and the arrival of the Prince. "Prince Vidi, who has the approval of the entire Albanian people, - said Noli, - is waiting for the various issues to be resolved before he decides to leaves for Albania. But only the Prince's presence in Albania would have solved more than the giysma of these issues.

A myth has been spread that Albania is a feudal country and that in order to rule in Albania you must first get along with all the feudal lords. This is not true. In the south, there are no such leaders at all, while in the north their influence is not at all as great as compared to that of the feudal leaders of Europe in the past", said Noli.

Noli appealed to the Prince to dare to take the harshest measures against the bosses. The Albanian people, he said, would not only be very pleased with such steps, but would show the deepest gratitude for these harsh measures.
The bosses, said Noli, have not done the Albanian people any good either now or in the past. "The Albanian people," he said, "are waiting for the Prince to remove these people."

All Albanians hope that Prince Vidi will be the right man to see that these bosses get off the saddle. If he does this, then
he can be sure that our people will love and honor him as a true liberating prince."