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Russia sentences Alexei Navalny's three lawyers to prison

Russia sentences Alexei Navalny's three lawyers to prison

Russia sentenced to prison, on Friday, January 17, the three lawyers who defended Alexei Navalny.

Vadim Kobzev, Igor Sergunin, and Alexei Liptser were arrested in October 2023 as Russian authorities intensified pressure on Putin's opponent, Navalny.

They were tried in a closed-door hearing and accused of “using their status” to transmit messages between Navalny and his colleagues.

Igor Sergunin was the only one of the three to plead guilty and was given a lighter sentence of three and a half years. Alexei Liptser was jailed for five years and Vadim Kobzev was sentenced to five and a half years.

Navalny died in February last year, unexpectedly, and his death in prison remained unexplained.