
Changing the law on social assistance! Why is the bonus for babies born abroad being removed?

Changing the law on social assistance! Why is the bonus for babies born abroad

The Committee for Legal Affairs discussed today the new additions to the law on social assistance, where the focus was on the baby bonus. According to the proposal of the Ministry of Health, this bonus will no longer be given to families living outside the Albanian territory.

The Deputy Minister of Health, Denada Seferi, said that with this proposal, double benefits from families living abroad will be avoided, as well as equal conditions will be created for those living within the territory of Albania.

"The baby bonus was put in place to support every newborn and their families. This was done in the framework of the increase in population addition. During the years 2019-2023, we have continuously followed the allocation of 188,623 rewards for babies born inside and outside the country, we have seen that during these years the number of supported families that are not residents of the Republic of Albania has increased significantly.

In this context, at the request of the deputies and some groups that have come with studies from the field, we have come to the conclusion that this bonus should only be taken advantage of by citizens living in the territory of the country.

From the analysis carried out, it results that parents who give birth to children abroad also benefit from payments from the countries where they work and live, thus receiving payments from both countries.

Through this proposed policy we will avoid double benefit and establish equal conditions for babies born in Albania." - declared the Deputy Minister of Health.

Source: Monitor