
e-Albania: Here's what has changed in identifying and entering your account on the portal

e-Albania: Here's what has changed in identifying and entering your account

In order to inform and assist citizens and businesses in updating the identification and access to the e-Albania portal, AKSHI has published a notice, accompanied by a simple and practical guide.

The change we are talking about is a 6-digit code, a one-time password, which is sent in the form of sms to the user's phone and to his e-mail address. This applies to both citizens and businesses, whose account identification in e-Albania will be carried out by setting, in addition to their credentials (NID/NIPT and password), a 6-digit code (one-time password ), which is sent to the phone number and e-mail address, in any case of identification or password change.

Meanwhile, citizens and businesses who, in their account on the portal, have declared a foreign phone number, will receive the 6-digit code by e-mail, to the address registered in their account. For this reason, it would be good for citizens and businesses to take measures to update their phone number or e-mail address.

To update the data in the e-Albania account, citizens and businesses can make the change in the "My space" column, by selecting "Change account data".

In any emergency, i.e. if citizens and businesses cannot access their account on the portal and no longer have the phone number and e-mail address registered in the account, they can send an e-mail to the helpdesk e-mail address @e-albania.al and their request will be treated with priority by the staff of e-Albania.