Prime Minister Rama says that he has spoken with Mira Murat to save tens of millions of euros for Albania

Edi Rama, at the congress of the Socialist Party, has revealed that he has asked Mira Murat, the Albanian who created GPT Chat, to translate the legal materials of the EU, which should be incorporated into the Albanian legislation, through this large platform. According to the Prime Minister, this will save the country an army of translators and lawyers and tens of millions of euros.
Initially, Mira Murati took it with humor, but then she accepted the prime minister's proposal.
"None of us had ever heard the name of a girl from Volonia, an Albanian genius called Mira Murati. We all heard the name of Mira Muarti where she amazed everyone with the creation of Chat GPT. I am looking for Mira Murat, to be honest, shy from a shyness that does not characterize me, and she gives me a telephone meeting. I hear a friendly voice and I take the courage to ask you for help to get Albania ready for EU membership as soon as possible. She laughed that I think I was joking. I ask him if it is possible that instead of recruiting an army of translators and a battalion of lawyers and spending tens of millions of euros, to prepare the mountain in Albanian with the legal measures of the EU, we can do this through Chat GPT . He answered me that it seems possible. This is how the work started with Mira and a joint team created with ANSH. On December 13 in Brussels when I finish the meeting together with the Greek dilemma, I will leave as a postcard the result of the successful test of the Albanian model through artificial intelligence of the replacement of EU legal measures and our revolutionary model is not easy translation but also a number of other services, but basically it allows us a pharmaceutical peeling of all the endless bags of rice of our legislation in force.'- said Rama.