
'Karma is a bitch'. Monika Kryemadhi says that the day will come when even the enemies will be where she and her family are today

'Karma is a bitch'. Monika Kryemadhi says that the day will come when

Today, Monika Kryemadhi gave a statement to the media after the arrest of Ilir Meta and the 'Compulsion to appear' measure for him.

"I paid for every transaction in schools, I paid for water and electricity. Ilir Meta is involved in politics. We have not sold our souls to criminal groups

Did Rama declare his child's surgery, who paid for it, how did he do it, and did SPAK investigate this. Will Duman make a statement about the investigation into the recovery of Edi Rama's son. SPAK takes out the 1800 euro bill for the removal of my child's lymphoma, for the removal of the cervix that I had with cancer, and it says it's plastic surgery. I haven't had any plastic surgery because if I had, I wouldn't be ashamed to say it. I did a maintenance of myself as a woman, a girl.

I am no longer dealing with political things, I will deal with lawyers legally. Everyone will remember one thing, karma is a bitch. Today they have small children, when they have big children, who want to seek to intimidate and shame their parents, they will also be in this position. "Kryemadhi and Meta have achieved things by themselves, they have not sold either their bodies or their minds to be executioners in the hands of a group of mafiosi", said Kryemadhi.