
Actors unite in defense of Elia Zaharias

Actors unite in defense of Elia Zaharias

This MARCH 8 would ironically be the "ideal" to talk about women's rights.
We have 48 hours to see how a public trial is being held for a woman, a mother, an artist, an actress, who is facing a difficult family period.
Who among you who is reading this note has not tried to see himself in a moment of weakness, conflict, or said a word more, who among you has not been hurt, disappointed by the one he/she loved the most, let cast the first stone!

The video made public where the actress Elia Zaharia appears, which is feeding portal clicks and some media, urgently requires the reaction of the AMA, the institution that has full responsibility for its deletion and blocking.

The internet society is already a contaminated society and that no one has control over it, but we would beg you as humans, each one individually to delete a negative comment, and thus, bit by bit we can be contributing to a better society. good.
Tomorrow you can be the protagonist of this campaign of violation of privacy and image!

Despite this mudslinging of comments thrown at a woman, we thank all those who did not participate.

It's easy to be a spectator watching the pain and life of another, but let's become, from this MARCH 8, the actors of a change for the better!

Margarita Xhepa
Robert Ndrenika
Roza Anagnosti
Luiza Xhuvani
Zamira Kita
Rajmonda Bulku
Luli Bitri
Mevlan Shanaj
Natasha Lako
Vasian Lami
Driada Dervishi
Rozi Kostani
Marjeta Ljarja
Sokol Angjeli
Myzafer Ziflaj
Rudina Dembacaj
Alesia Xhemalaj
Gent Zenelaj
Rozana Radi
Helidon Fino
Merita Smaja
Adelina Muça
Anila Bisha
Suela Bako
Romir Zalla
Andia Xhunga
Indrit Çobani
Armela Demaj
Milto Kutalli
Eni Jani
Genc Fuga
Sanie Hoti
Flaura Kureta
Sara Smaja
Mimoza Marjanaku
Ola Harizaj
Ervin Bejleri
Blerta Belliu
Niada Saliasi
Beslidhje Bytyçi
Genti Deçka
Ilirda Bejleri
Donald Shehu
Ardita Mullai
Griselda Rushanaj
Ilda Pepi
Gaz Paja
Ajlin Petrela
Kristian Koroveshi
Rafael Hoxhaj
Albana Perhati
Griselda Prendaj
Arlinda Morina
Iris Canaj
Ina Morinaj
Erdit Asllanaj
Deivid Myslim
Armela Demaj
Sonila Kapidani
Anila Petrela
Edvin Mustafa
Viola Xhindi
Aliona Pogaj
Elona Hyseni
Klea Konomi
Klesta Shero
Amri Hasanlliu
Roerd Toçe
Arian Çuliqi
Ermela Ruri
Xhino Musollari
Ketjona Pecnikaj
Frenci Gjerasi
Mihal Kaçi
Sedmir Memia
Sara Koçi
Luisa Dinellari
Xhoni Spahi
Erdet Miraka
Stiv Osmanaj
Adela Gjyla
Megi Duka
Mario Bali
Silva Brahimataj
Besart Cani
Blerta Ponari
Greta Kumria
Xhoana Karaj
Manjolla Loja
Nevila Çaushi
Agnes Nokshiq
Ureaa Ahmeti
Sidorela Kocaj
Serxhjo Danga
Edison Kajdomqaj
Anxhelo Dauti
Romeo Bushati
Ergi Hasani
Aleksi Velo
Mariglen Domi
Astrit Loshi
Nurie Myftari
Dashamir Gega
Ilir Bega
Parashqevi Hallkaj
Rajmonda Hamzaj
Kastriot Ramollari
Hyre Gosturani
Nevila Shabani
Elona Çaushi
Seri Maloku
Migena Zaçe
Gerta Prifti
Selena Kurti
Ema Gurra,
Elvina Gurra
Joana Omeraj
Daniela Dyrnjaja
Danja Ganxo
Juliano Zholi
ester Koni
Katerina Konini
Casey Koxhaj
Donald Cani
Nilda Shahini
Endri Koceku
Dashamir Uku
Sazan Duma
Mark Kakusi
Ada Zala
Vilson Alimadhi
Rubin Ceka
Delvis Myslymi
Ajkana Topalli
Sonila Qorraj
Esmeralda Gashi
Aleksio Alitaj
Alvaro Cenko